Monday, February 11, 2008

CoD4 Radiant: Terrain Patches and Models

So far so good, I created this outdoorsy section of road following the tutorials on the Infinity Ward wiki. I started familiarizing myself with Terrain Patches, which in other words, consists of molding terrain and blending textures on its surface to give it that look of authenticity. I made a ridiculous road that zigzags every few feet, added some nice grooves for tire tracks, and inclined the ground flanking my mud road. I basically followed the wiki word for word.1

ith that done, I started to add some objects, meaning grass and pine trees by following the tutorial.2 So I'll leave it at that.
I feel accomplished and am glad I took time out of this lovely evening getting to know the beautiful and mysterious Radiant.

1 CoD4 Radiant: Making a terrain patch, CoD4 Radiant: Editing terrain tutorial
2 CoD4 Radiant: Model tutorial

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